by Kim | Dec 8, 2020 | BLOG |
Verjamem, da si vsi želimo ljubezni, miru, spoštovanja in sočutja. Veliko ljudi si to želi. Da pridemo do tja, moramo najprej prepoznati svoje programe , vzorce in sprožilce preteklosti, saj to so osnove za naš svet iz katerega vidimo zunanji svet. Smo to kar govorimo in razmišljamo. Naš svet se spremeni v trenutko, ko spremenimo svoje prepričanje. Zavedati se moramo, da smo bitja ljubezni in sočutja, dokler strah ne prevlada. Vsi imamo svobodno voljo, kar pomeni, da je odvisno od nas samih, kaj želimo negovati v sebi.
by Kim | Dec 4, 2020 | BLOG |
Vsi smo prišli na zemljo z namenom in pomenom. Pomembne so vse naše misije, velike ali majhne. Prepogosto se podcenjujemo in pozabljamo nase. Naše poslanstvo ali to, kar počnemo, vpliva na preostali svet okoli nas. Pozabljamo se zahvaliti za naše trdo delo, predanosti in izobilju, ki ga imamo.
Če smo se pred kratkim spraševali, ali smo pomembni v življenju nekoga, potem se vesolje zdaj obrača na nas in nam odgovarja: Da, smo pomembni! Pomembni smo za sebe enako kot za preostali svet. V tem trenutku bodimo nežni do sebe in vedimo, da je tisto, kar počnemo za druge, enako pomembno tudi za nas same.
Danes si vzemimo čas zase. Smo čudovit božji otrok in izbrali smo si to življenje, v katerem smo. Izbrali smo si družino, v kateri živimo, ljudi, ki jih spoznavamo, tudi okoliščine, v katerih se včasih znajdemo. Prišli smo z zelo posebnim namenom na zemljo. Se spomnimo, kaj je ta namen? Ne glede na to, kako veliko ali majhno je, pomembno je kako ga sprejemamo in oddajamo. Vloga, ki jo igramo, na velike načine vpliva na druge. Pomembno je, da so vsa dejanja storjena z ljubeznijo. Da so zato, ker to želimo storiti in ne ker drugi to želijo, oziroma pričakujejo od nas.
Pomislimo na drobno zrno peska; to smo mi. Eno zrno peska med številnimi drobnimi zrnci peska tvori celo morje. Naše delovanje za druge, opažene ali ne, pomagajo prinesti celovitost v naš svet. Mi in vsi drugi na tem svetu, ki verjamemo v univerzalno enost, smo združili roke za zdravljenje Matere Zemlje, tako da zdravimo njene prebivalce, enega za drugim. Zemlja in družba potrebujeta zdaj, da se vsi skupaj združimo, eno po eno zrno, da ustvarimo ocean ljubezni in miru, za katerega vemo, da je blizu. Pomahajte nekomu, ki ima posebej težek dan. Vzemimo si čas in prisluhnimo drug drugemu. Spoštujmo strahove drugih in jih obdajmo s pozitivizmom in ljubeznijo. Bodimo sočutni in strpni eden do drugega. To je naše poslanstvo v tem trenutku.
Z ljubeznijo Kim & Gorazd
by Kim | Avg 15, 2017 | BLOG |
Swaying grass, butterflies, Roses and curving hillsides are in my view as I venture out with my bicycle. Here in Slovenia they have the iconic baskets on their bikes. Am I dreaming or did God send me to this place, where nature would wake me with its warm kiss on my rose colored cheek on this beautiful day?
I pause and pick a flower and remember how important each person is that taught me who I am these past years. Each individual I did a reading for helped me tap in further to my gift and I am most grateful. At times I was so tired that I didn’t have time to take these gracious moments and just go biking.
I had many unique opportunities while visiting Slovenia and one I was a bit weary of but grateful for all the same. When Zaria Magazine asked to interview me I got weary of their reasons why, but as I had the article later translated for me I realized deeper what some might go through when getting a reading.
On the front cover the article read, “A Session with a Canadian- Can You Really Speak to the Spirits of the Dead?” Its a wonderful article. The Interviewer was a non believer and was asked by her boss to take me on as a “project”. The spirits ended up turning her into their own project, bringing her on a journey of discovery. By opening up to the reading, it brought her deceased Grandfather an opportunity to prove to her that he was with her. Firstly, by answering things no one could know and secondly, not even her, until later when she checked in with her living father and found out that the information was correct. I admit i was a bit weary doing the article because I knew the interviewer was out to prove me fake, but I decided it was not about me or even her, but rather about the spirits that lead her to me. For example, the grandfather and others that she researched and proved to be correct.
She begins the article by talking about how I sat back eating an apple and asking what she wanted to get out of the reading. It ended in giving me tears knowing that one family was now at ease, knowing ‘grandpa’ is ok and still there with them in ways each could now know.
I am grateful knowing that my gift could be used for good. In each moment I do see life like eating that apple. I often teach that if we can eat an apple everyday and love it the same as the first time we had an apple, then we can know we are content and also not looking for something more to make us happy. I was once allergic to apples and one day through natural healing I got past that allergy. So eating an apple now without my throat swelling up is a miracle I now enjoy when I can. She took my eating the apple as a sign that she could feel comfortable with me. I took it as I am comfortable with myself.
Many blessings to you Sweet Earth Angels.
I look forward to being home in Moncton starting mid September til mid November. If you would like a session during that time, please see my website to book a time that works for you or email
Photos by Šimen Zupančič