Archangels Guide me!

There are angels all around us always. In fact, we all have at least two gaurdian angels if not more and they are helping us in all ways.

The Archangels are also helping us and they can give us specific help when it is needed. The following is an alphabetical chart that I put together to help you know what Archangels to call on for specific needs.

Remember that angels and or guides are not allowed helping unless we ask for help and when we do they say, “with what?” We must ask specifically or they are not allowed helping us because of the Law of Free Will.

Kimspirational, Moncton, N.B.

Aggression Healing: Sandalphon
Animal Healing: Raphael
Appreciating Miracles: Sandalphon
Artistic Endeavours: Gabriel
Attracting Love: Michael
Attracting Loving Experiences: Michael
Beauty: Jophiel
Breathing Deeply: Raphael
Chakra Clearing: Metatron
Change: Jerimiel
Career Changes: Chamuel
Career Goal Awareness: Raziel
Clairaudience: Zadkiel
Clarifying Anything You Hear: Zadkiel
Clairvoyance: Haniel, Raziel
Clearing the Clutter: Jophiel
Compassion for Self and Others: Zadkiel

Confusing messages (translating them): Raguel
Courage: Ariel
Creative Insights: Uriel
Cycles (Mood cycles/rhythms): Haniel
Decision Making About Next Steps: Uriel
Disputes: Raguel
Dream Interpretation: Metatron, Michael, Raphael, Raziel, Zadkiel
Emotional Healing: Jerimiel, Zadkiel
Environmental Healing: Ariel
Fairness: Raguel
Faith: Raguel
Fear: Michael
Fear of Receiving: Sandalphon, Michael (helps you receive)
Finding Car Keys: Chamuel, Zadkiel
Finding People: Chamuel
Fixing Things: Michael
Forgiveness (Self and Others): Zadkiel
Gender (determining for unborn child): Sandalphon
Gentleness: Sandalphon ,
Gratitude: Jerimiel
Grieving: Azrael (Jerimiel shows movie of life)
Healers/Service Workers: Ariel
Healing Light: Raphael

Healing(general): Michael

Healing Emotions: Zadkiel, Haniel
Healing Opportunities: Uriel
Health Issues: Raphael
Hidden Talents: Haniel
Ideas (Bringing them to Fruition): Uriel
Ideas Into Action: Uriel
Inner Beauty: Gabriel, Haniel
Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow Children: Metatron, Sandalphon
Inspiration: Gabriel
Integrity (Surrounding Spiritual Gifts): Sandalphon
Judgements (Releasing): Zadkiel
Life Mission: Ariel, Chamuel
Lost Objects: Zadkiel, Chamuel
Lower Energies: Michael
Meditation: Raguel
Moon cycles: Haniel (emotions/moon cycle)
Music (Musicians): Sandalphon
Negativity: Michael
Nurturing: Gabriel
Pathway of Life: Uriel
Patterns: Metatron
Peace: Michael
Power: Michael
Prayers: Sandalphon, Uriel
Prophetic Vision: Jerimiel
Sealing Spaces (protection): Michael
Sensitive Children: Metatron
Sensitivity: Haniel
Shielding: Michael
Speaking the Truth:
Spiritual Vision/Blocks: Raziel
Spiritual Truth: Raziel
Strength: Michael
Studying: Zadkiel
Receiving: Michael
Record Keeping: Metatron
Relationship Harmony (disputes): Raguel
Releasing Limiting Thinking: Raziel
Romance: Chamuel, Raguel (harmony)
Tests/Memory Function: Zadkiel
Transition: Jerimiel
Unforgiveness/Resentment: Uriel
Unwavering Faith: Michael
Writing: Gabriel