Golden Cages: Illusion Of Freedom


At once humorously serious, “Golden Cages- Illusion of Freedom”, is a moral story about some of the most important life lessons. It is a story of the unconditional love between a man and his mentor and how that love helped him grow and flourish despite the struggles presented by his estranged relationships, life patterns and programmed principles.

During a routine trip to the grocery store Ryan is taken aback when an old friend, Andrew, challenges him to make radical life changes. Ryan finds himself confronted with the fraught and terrifying depths of his unconscious mind and ego. Sharp and assured, his new teacher Francis, soon to be friend, hits him with a compelling honesty that flips his world upside-down.

Francis keeps throwing challenges at Ryan left, right, and centre. Ryan questions if Francis even knows what he is doing. Sometimes it honestly feels like he has gone too far. The concepts he throws out are just too much. Ultimately Ryan triumphs, even though he is on a journey of what feels like a thousand chances and confrontations alike. There are many possibilities for the future. No matter how many of them there are, there’s still just one gut-wrenching, unchangeable past.

Allegiances are broken, choices are made, and Ryan has no alternative than to pick between the two women he loves. His mother, Maria, ridiculously refuses to give up control. His wife, Clara, has surrendered under duress. Which wolf Ryan feeds will determine the outcome. Either way there are consequences and a destructive aftermath to deal with. Ryan gathers his courage and makes his move, knowing full well that he could lose it all in the process.

Ryan sticks with the counselling, despite his constant instinct to flee. He learns to let go of the heavy influences that shaped his current dysfunctional reality. The ghosts of the past come out to haunt him. This leads him to learn more about the family’s past and its generational traumas which undoubtedly have been inherited and are now being past down to his own children.

Francis has not divulged much information about himself, which unnerved Ryan from the start. He claimed to be an Indigenous American elder but doesn’t look much like one. Ryan is stunned and embarrassed about how he treated Francis in the beginning. Especially when Francis finally unveils the truth behind his childhood and how he became who he is today. Francis’ unorthodox methods and customs all make sense in the end.

Being flipped upside down proved to be what he needed after all. Ryan realizes that his whole life was one big lie. He is finished with hiding the truth about himself from other people. Francis teaches him how to show what his feelings truly are, while learning to man up at the same time. With his newfound skill of normalising difficult emotional experiences, Ryan finally understands the sanctity of the word honour. He makes a new plan with Andrew to help others. He has a new pattern and program to live by now and a different story to tell.

A tale about an ordinary man- an orphan! -an extraordinary can of Coke. This novel of stability vs. vulnerability is an absolute knockout– sure to render its reader conscious!

Follow my lead and I’ll help you get lost.”

– Kimberley A. Doucette –



Spoznajte Francisa, skrivnostnega, navihanega in celo konfrontiranega severnoameriškega indijanca. Svojega novega študenta bo kmalu udaril s prepričljivo poštenostjo, ki bo njegov svet obrnila na glavo. Ryan se je prisiljen soočiti s težkimi in grozljivimi globinami svojega nezavednega uma in ega.

Ryanovo življenje je bilo normalno: kaotično, brezvoljno, rutinsko in nespremenljivo. Se sliši znano? No, kmalu se je spremenilo. Ryan v supermarketu naleti na starega prijatelja, ki mu pripoveduje o nenavadnem terapevtu po imenu Francis. Ko Ryan obišče Francisa, se življenje, kot ga pozna, za vedno spremeni. Sprva se zdi, da Francisove neortodoksne metode in običaji nikamor ne pripeljejo. A Ryan se vedno znova vrača. Prične opazovati simbole, ki mu jih pošilja »vesolje«, in jih začuden začne razumeti!

“Sledi mojemu zgledu,” pravi Francis, ” in pomagal ti bom, da se izgubiš.”

Jezik: angleški

Format: 152x228mm / 244 pages

ISBN: 978-1-77257-309-1 (PB)

Publisher: Self-publisher


Mnenja bralcev knjige Golden Cages


Maureen St.Onge: Čestitam Kim, za tako dober roman. Uživala sem v branju in spremljanju, kako je Ryan stopil na svojo duhovno pot. Že več let spremljam Kim in sem navdušena kako so bili njeni nauki tako dobro preneseni skozi Francisov lik. Francisov lik daje bralcu razumevanje vseh konceptov razsvetljenja, vključno s pomenom sanj, simbolov, ega, čaker in avre, prepletanja energij, če naštejemo le nekatere.

Všeč mi je tudi, da so vključene različne teme, kot so posilstvo, samomor, šole za bivanje, odpuščanje in sodba, ter celo o elektromagnetnih valovih in kako vplivajo na stanje »človeka« in na potovanje duše. To knjigo si mora vsak prebrati, ki bi rad razumel duhovno potovanje, na katerem je trenutno. Ta knjiga bo prebudila veliko ljudi.


Nancy Parker: Ta knjiga se morda zdi podobna kateri koli drugi zgodbi, vendar si jo oglejte bližje. Ste pripravljeni? Zagotavljam vam, da ne boste razočarani. Ugotavljam, da ima večina zgodb potencial, vendar so v najboljšem primeru kratke in splošne, na koncu si želim, da bi šle globlje. Ta knjiga ni površinska in gre v globino razumevanje osebne poti in vas ne bo razočarala. Avtorica je na svojih straneh premišljeno oblikoval pot samorefleksije, samoodkrivanja in globokega zdravljenja, ki se nanaša na širok krog bralcev. Zelo priporočam to knjigo in upam, da se vas bo dotaknila tako kot mene.


Anne-Marie Austin: To je čudovita, topla, ganljiva knjiga, polna idej in vpogledov, ki bodo poglobili vaša razmišljanja in vas dvignili na nove višine samorazumevanja in samozavedanja. Prepričana sem, da se bo na tisoče ljudem spremenilo življenje. Vem, da se je meni zaradi te knjige prižgalo veliko žarnic. Kimberley A. Doucette je edinstvena oseba, ki dviguje človeštvo. Je angel, ki je bila poslana s posebno nalogo. Zelo sem hvaležna za modrosti, ki jih Kim deli z nami!