Using the cards is a way to make you more aware and help you pay attention while living this life. You can look at the now and see where you are. Or you can look to the past to appreciate where you’ve been.
The Past Lives and Current Lessons cards can provide valuable insights into the vulnerability of life, the lasting effect of relationships, and the deep impact of our choices. As you use them to understand past lives or to reflect on current life lessons, remember that life’s uncertainties and changes are opportunities for growth and personal development.
We are precisely where we are fated to be on our special and quirky little journeys.
I would like to gently advise you not to use these cards for dwelling on the past. It is not worth it. We cannot change the past but instead embrace the decisions we make along the way. It is about taking responsibility for our actions. That is why we are here.
We are journeying on Earth to learn and grow. We practice doing things without all the overreactions we had at parts of the journey. We get a second chance. Or a third chance, or a fourth chance… It is much like playing a video game again to see how much better you can beat it this time around. Past lives allow us numerous chances to do it right.
Life certainly doesn’t have to be a wild roller coaster ride, always throwing twists and turns our way. It is why I wrote these cards, partly. Pulling a card on a rough day can help you be slightly more flexible and resilient. Think of the cards as being trusty little sidekicks. Ones that can help you tackle whatever life throws at you. They can do this by making you sit and contemplate. You can then work out solutions and solve various life riddles.
Take time to embrace change. Uncover subconscious messages that your higher self, guides, or angels are trying to get through to you. These cards can help you see new sides of yourself in the process. Instead of fighting it every step of the way, you can learn to ride the wave and see where it takes you.
– It is always easier to look back and see who you were in the past than to look into the mirror and admit who you are today. – Kimspirational